First Impressions Matter – and so do you.

First Day – First Impressions

I imagine some of you, as am I are starting a new school this year, and just as the saying goes – first impressionss count.

So how do you want your first impressions to be?

This is where you show your standard of excellence.

Too many times teachers turn up to knew schools and hide. Hide behind clothes, hide behind laptops, hide behind people.

To really shine and be who you are you must step up. Especially when it comes to first impressions.

So what do you need to do….

Not much, but you must know this:

You are worthy. Carry that into your knew setting. Don’t listen to the negative self talk that sometimes shows up… The doubt, the fear, the nerves.

These are normal and completely valid, but they aren’t you, they are just how you feel.

You should be feeling a little nervous and maybe scared too. You’re starting something new.

But there are also some things you need to know…

First impressions are built on your appearance, how you speak and what you say.

So dress to impress. Be confident. Add value.

You are there because they chose you, because they want you and because you have something to give. So give it.

I know you can.

Have a great first day no matter what you are doing!

Amy x

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